Defence Nuclear

A major OEM contracted to the Defence Sector for the Nuclear propulsion system approached Abbey Forged Products to investigate the capabilities of the business, having heard of the increasing reputation gained by the company within its show case Oil and Gas sector supply, and for its agility and flexibility to attain and achieve specific customer requirements, where other suppliers have failed to do so.
- Major approval was quickly achieved, notably the prestigious GS3001 accreditation covering Materials to RRMS 60050
- Forgings to RRMS 60051, RRP62004
- Heat Treatment to RPS62004
- Liquid Penetrant testing to DGS PS 5108 – RRP62803
- Ultrasonic testing to DGS PS 5108 – RRP 62813
- Magnetic particle inspection DGS PS 5108 – RRP 62804
- Machining of Critical Parts RRP 62900
This enables Abbey Forged Products to be a fully integrated supply chain provider within this sector supporting the Submarine Delivery Agency program for the Astute and Dreadnought submarine programs.
- Carbon Steels
- Austenitic Stainless Steels
- Martensitic Stainless Steels
- Ferritic Stainless Steels
- Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels
- Duplex and Super Duplex
- Super Austenitic Steels
- Nickel based steels.
Example of Parts
- Heat exchanger
- Reactor pressure vessel
- Steam generator
- Turbine generator
- Pressuriser unit
Abbey Forged Products are proud to hold JOSCAR accreditation, where customers in the Services for the Aerospace, Defence and Security Sectors utilise a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information. Using JOSCAR can determine if a supplier is “fit for business”. Abbey Forged Products supply critical parts into all 3 sectors.
Critical parts can be produced to customer specifications within the constraints of global requirements for both project build or when required for maintenance spares or short lead-times, provide Gold Standard certification, including DEF Stan 02-729 part 5 issue 2 & 3 carried out by our level 3 inspectors.